About Us


We founded Ambit9 because we wanted to make authentic and quality contents available to all. We wanted to promote excellence in professional skills by providing the ultimate career guidance. We wanted to build a bridge between top professionals and knowledge seekers. We wanted to keep everything so interesting and as simple as possible so that anyone can understand it easily. We wanted to inspire, unite, and educate people for a better tomorrow.

The Foundation of Excellence

Knowledge sharing is the best help to the society and we are committed to help the society in a bigger way by constantly striving for the excellence in what we do.



Ambit9 was founded senior professionals and industry leaders from the Infosys, one of the most renowned IT firms in India. Later many professionals and experts from all around the world joined hands at Ambit9 to promote the excellence in professional skills. Ambit9 aims to be world’s largest career and knowledge sharing platform by inspiring and preparing visitors for a better tomorrow.



Our vision is to prepare the learners to be world-class geniuses by exposing them to the emerging competitive & increasing globalized world and to promote excellence in professional, technical, business and management skills. Knowledge sharing is the best help to the society and we are committed to help the society in a bigger way by constantly striving for the excellence in what we do.

When you think of the excellence, we want you to think of Ambit9!

When you know better you do better.


True experts don’t tell you what to do; they show how it is done. We communicate with thousands of successful corporate leaders from companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Facebook, L&T, Cognizant, HP & many more and thousands of educators from institutes like IIMs, IITs, Standford, Oxford and many more to show you the right path – a path on which they have already walked, faced challenges and succeeded ultimately.

It’s never too late to start over. If you weren’t happy with yesterday, Try something different today. Don’t stay stuck. Do better.